Lifestyle Tips

10 Tips to Help You Feel Your Best

Written by Mary Perry, MS, RD, LDN | Jan 10, 2018 2:05:07 PM

Sometimes we need to just stop and hit reset after weeks of over indulging, coming off vacation, or life getting in the way of healthy habits.  Here are 10 tips to get you back to feeling your best no matter what life throws your way. Try one tip a day, one a week or a few to start and gradually build upon each so they become habits that stick.

1. Don’t skip meals. Always eat a meal or snack within an hour of waking and never go more than 4-6 hours without having something. This is the best way to keep your hormones balanced while keeping your willpower in check.

2. Follow the rule of three at each meal. Make sure your plate contains lean protein, lots of colorful fruits and vegetables, and heart-healthy fats.

3. Stay hydrated. Water is critical to regulating our body temperature. Often we confuse hunger for thirst. Try and start each meal with a glass of water or sugar-free beverage. Not only is this a good reminder to drink, it may curb how much you take in at that meal too.

4. Eat-out less often. Eating out can easily bring with it some unwanted calories. Often times we lose sight of just how much we rely on foods outside of the house for our daily routine.

5. Keep sugar and caffeine in check. Overdoing it on sugar and caffeine can wreak havoc on our hormones. Try and keep your caffeinated cup to the morning and switch to non-caffeinated versions as the day goes on. By decreasing your caffeine and sugar intake you’ll have more energy throughout the day as you’ll minimize the highs and lows the two trigger in the body.

6. Keep your supplements to the essentials. We recommend OmegaRx and MaquiRx to reap all the anti-inflammatory benefits you can from your diet and supplementation regimen.

7. Move more. Find something that motivates you and aim for 30 minutes a day, whether it’s all the same time or broken up throughout the day.

8. Track it. Tracking your food intake whether by paper or app keeps you accountable and more likely to succeed.

9. Get your zzzzzz’s. Sleep deprivation can increase the risk for disease, fuel our desire to eat, decrease our cognitive function, and lead to moodiness and negativity.

10. Love yourself. It’s easy to beat yourself up when you get off track or fall out of routine. Instead just get back on track at your next meal and start fresh.

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Let us know in the comments below what you do to get back on track after you may indulge a little too much!