Lifestyle Tips

Weekly Self Care Journal

Written by Mary Perry, MS, RD, LDN | May 4, 2020 2:13:10 PM

Amid the stress and anxiety of what is going on in the world there are signs of hope and beauty around us. This can be found in the kindness and generosity of others from making masks, celebrating birthdays with car parades while practicing social distancing, donating money for relief efforts or Mother Nature beginning to show her beauty with flowers and trees springing to life. When the fog has begun to lift from our current situation how do you see yourself emerging on the other side? Will you come out stronger, more rested and energized, will you have more gratitude for the things we take for granted, or will the stress and anxiety have taken its toll.

While we know there is so much of this situation that is out of our control, when it comes to our mental and physical health that is one area we can control. We want to help you get to the other side of this both mentally and physically. We’ve decided to create this journal you can do each day where you jot down how you are feeling, what you are grateful for and how you're going to do something for your health through movement and good nutrition. This will help to make you mindful of the things you can control and give you something to look back on in the months ahead of how you made the most of a difficult situation and came out stronger, grateful, and healthier on the other side.