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A Zone Racing Story

Written by Monica Trindade | May 31, 2019 12:15:17 PM

Dr. Sears and Zone Athletes


An important facet of Dr. Sears’ legacy has been working with athletes. For cycling, specifically,  we have been working with Slipstream Sports since 2005.  Slipstream Sports racing name is EF Education First Pro Cycling.  In the world of cycling, the team names are always changing but their philosophies don't. EF Education First Pro Cycling is known for its anti-doping stance. The team reviews blood levels before signing riders, and maintains an internal testing system. They searched for the purest fish oils and chose us. Since then, their medical and chiropractic teams have endorsed both the anti-inflammatory Zone diet and inclusion of fish oil to keep their teams in optimal shape. 

Dr. Nigel Mitchell, Head of Nutrition for EF Procycling, contacted us prior to training camp this year which takes place in Girona Spain, wanting to use OmegaRx 2. Dr. Mitchell has experience with Omega-3’s in vastly different settings “for over 20 years I have I used omega 3 supplements in both the clinical and elite sport settings. I recognize sport athletes are often under extreme physical stress and the use of omega 3 supplements especially high doses of EPA (aim for approximately 2g per day) appears to really help the riders to recover and cope with the high physical demands of professional sport."

Racing Season

Many races are centered around Europe but this global team representing 27 countries and 11 nationalities started its racing season in Colombia. This is only the second time the Tour of Colombia was raced.  The crowd was wild.  Their best known cycling hero Rigoberto Uran’s name  was being chanted on the street and in the stadiums. The team met with great success at their first race.  They won the team time trial and won the race as a team.  In addition, Dani Martinez, another proud Colombian, was on the podium as an individual rider. It was a great success for the team and an inspirational moment for the host country. 

“It’s not a traditional cycling team with one leader for this race or that race,” says team manager and CEO Jonathan Vaughters. “It’s not built that way. It’s about trying to get a large group of people to all realize their own potential and give opportunities to one another in the races and really have a team spirit, as opposed to being about any one individual.”  

What’s Happening with the Zone® in Colombia. 

Dr. Barry Sears sought to officially establish the Zone Diet® in Colombia in 2018.  Zone Diet Colombia is directed by Medical Doctor Gustavo Pinedo, who has been applying the concepts in his professional practice for over 10 years. Dr. Sears and Dr. Pinedo  have been working and training Certified Health Professionals in the Anti-Inflammatory and Pro-Resolution Nutrition Program where they also apply the scientific concepts in their daily practice. Dr. Sears had the privilege of visiting the cities of Cartagena and Barranquilla and sharing his experience with the sports, scientific community and the general public on issues concerning the reduction and resolution of inflammation by applying it to each area of interest. In addition to Colombia, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador and Europe all work hand in hand with high performance athletes in different disciplines and with all those who want to improve their performance and results. Welcome Colombia to The Zone® !!

We hope we can inspire you to reach your goals for health, wellness and performance.