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Mediterranean Zone Book Received Rave Reviews

Written by Dr. Sears' Zone | Dec 11, 2014 4:40:00 PM


Several who have read Dr. Sears’ new book, The Mediterranean Zone, have submitted their reviews to us. See for yourself. 


The Mediterranean Zone is very readable and understanding for the layman but contains some significant new science, particularly in the appendix, for those who really want to learn about the biochemistry of omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols and epigenetics.  Dr. Sears has clarified many aspects for me regarding the resolution of inflammation. His discussion of eicosanoids and gene transcription factors remains the best I have read. Finally, the dietary circle of anti-inflammatory nutrition is completed by his superb discussion of the value of polyphenols in any diet, and in particular an anti-inflammatory diet. I remain extremely admiring of his ability to take such complicated science and put it in an understandable and useful form for the layman.

Joseph C. Maroon, MD, professor and vice chairman, Department of Neurological Surgery, Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience, and team neurosurgeon, The Pittsburgh Steelers


I consider Dr. Barry Sears a mentor, innovator, and wise teacher. The Mediterranean Zone is a powerful new book that will help change your health quickly, but also permanently.  It is not a fad, but a program that will get and keep you well for a very long time.

Daniel G. Amen, MD, Author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life


Being a physician operating in the nutritional field, I read all the previous Sears’ books that helped radically in my professional life. In my opinion, The Mediterranean Zone reaches matchless levels of scientific information. I consider this new book an encyclopedia with innovative scientific concepts that are explained thoroughly. They can be understood by anyone who has "a good ear to listen" how we, through our choices of nutrients, can control our health, prevent and cure illnesses, reach our highest psychophysical performances, and live longer and in better health. I thank Dr. Sears on behalf of those who will benefit from the directives provided in this new book that I evaluate as a masterpiece.

Aronne Romano, MD


Although a bit technical at points, this book is a wealth of information and reinforces many of the concepts Dr. Sears has advanced in the past. The Mediterranean Zone promotes the power of certain foods to create health and prevent disease. Being 100% Greek, I have followed the principles of The Mediterranean Zone for the past decade, and it has improved my life immensely. I firmly believe that switching to a diet based on these fundamentals can change a person’s life.

Dean Karnazes, world-champion ultramarathon runner, Runner of the Year Competitor magazine (2007), Top 100 Fittest Men of All Time Men’s Health magazine (2012)


The Mediterranean Zone updates Dr. Sears' lifetime passion for understanding metabolism, health and diet. The typical American diet is radically changing both our health and our DNA. He explains how and why this has happened and suggests diet solutions to reverse the changes. He also has developed a simple blood test to quantify our progress. Check out all the references in the appendix. I've read most of his books. This is the best.

Jim Handshaw, former international commercial airline pilot