The Resolutionists have invaded the YMCA once again! Its interesting to observe Y members fighting for the parking spot closest to the entrance to then go work out. History demonstrates that ease in finding a spot will occur within 30 days. According to statistics, fewer than half of all Americans (45%) make resolutions. Unfortunately, most resolutions are too drastic. I'm going to become a whole new person in 2014. I'm going to lose 35 pounds, stop smoking, work out every day, stop the sodas, etc.
Unfortunately, fewer than 8% succeed. Why? Because lifelong habits cannot be broken cold turkey or with sudden changes.
Whats the solution? In the '80s I was the king of carbohydrates because I unwittingly thought the authorities at the USDA offered sound advice. Consume more than 60% of your calories from high-density grains, cereals, pasta, and rice, avoid fats, etc. Even though I worked out 1-2 hours daily, I gained a few pounds, had to take daily naps, was bloated and had frequent headaches. But I was following scientifically proven recommendations. WRONG! They were never tested!
It wasn't until I read Dr. Sears book The Zone that I realized I needed to make some big changes. Perhaps you're like me and don't like any, especially to your diet. It would probably have been easier to change my religion. Did I dive into the Zone 100%? No, my dietary solution evolved, slowly and sustainability.
Here are a few suggestions to help you with your Zone evolution:
Theres no need to break another resolution. Instead, commit yourself to evolving. Small, simple and easy adjustments over time create a lifestyle that will reward you with a longer, healthier life.