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Test, Don’t Guess About Your Future

Written by Dr. Sears' Zone | Mar 3, 2015 2:40:06 PM


Wouldn’t you like to have a crystal ball to see into your future? Probably so, but only if you could change your future to a better one within 30 days.   Well, that possibility exists today. In fact, this “crystal ball” has existed for more than 25 years. It doesn’t require a crystal ball, but it does require a drop of blood. This is all you need to test the levels of cellular inflammation in the body. Who did the first testing 25 years ago? It was Harvard Medical School, and the results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine.


So exactly what you are you looking for? It is the ratio of arachidonic acid (AA) to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in that drop of blood. The higher the AA/EPA ratio, the greater the likelihood you are going to develop some type of chronic disease in the future. The lower the AA/EPA ratio, the less likely the chance of developing chronic disease in the future. In other words, the AA/EPA ratio of the blood provides a unique insight into your current state of wellness. The longer you remain well, the less likely you are to become ill. It’s that simple.


Although routinely used at Harvard Medical School for research studies, this AA/EPA ratio test is not a standard blood test that physicians routinely order. Fortunately, you can get the Cellular Inflammation Test at the lowest possible price from Zone Diagnostics. You simply prick your finger with a supplied lancet, put a drop of blood on the test strip and send it the laboratory. Here is a sample of what you get back from the laboratory:

As you can quickly see, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine your AA/EPA ratio. It is right up front. It also shows you where you stand in relation to the average American. In this case, the AA/EPA ratio for Brett at 4.3 is lot better than the average American, which is 18. The color-coding gives a quick idea of what your future looks like (hint: green is good; red is bad).

The first page also gives you the individual levels of AA and EPA in your blood. In the case for Brett, he could a lot better in bringing down his AA levels following the Zone Diet as well as increasing his EPA levels using OmegaRx.


The second and third pages give even more detail on why your Cellular Inflammation Score matters,  as well as how you can optimize your personal score. With this information, you also get an indication of how you rank compared to other Americans based on thousands of previous tests.



  • Endres S, Ghorbani R, Kelley VE, Georgilis K, Lonnemann G, van der Meer JW, Cannon JG, Rogers TS, Klempner MS, Weber PC et al. “The effect of dietary supplementation with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the synthesis of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor by mononuclear cells.” N Engl J Med 1989; 320:265-71.