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Zone Labs Back on the Medical Circuit

Written by Dr. Sears' Zone | May 12, 2015 2:31:01 PM


Dr. Sears developed the Zone Diet more than 30 years ago to help manage chronic disease by reducing diet-induced inflammation. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult things to change is your diet. Although we had developed hundreds of great Zone meals in the various books, Dr. Sears has written and also posted hundreds more meals at Zone Recipes.


Frankly, the only way to get people to change their diet is to make their new dietary choices more convenient and more desirable than what they were already eating. For most Americans a more convenient and desirable choice would be one of the 3 Ps, consisting of Pasta, Pizza, or Pastries.


Since the Zone Diet is the foundation of anti-inflammatory nutrition, until we had something to make it easy for patients to change their diet, we knew it would not be cost-effective to exhibit at medical conferences. This is because no matter how interested the physicians were in our technology, the likelihood of getting their patients to embrace it would be remarkably low. That’s why nearly a decade ago, Dr. Sears started to develop a radically new technology that would dramatically reduce hunger but at the same looked and tasted like one of the 3 Ps.


The first attempts at this technology were a hormonal success in appetite suppression, but the taste left much to be desired. Dr. Sears retooled the taste with the help of Michelin chefs in Italy. Once that was complete, Zone Labs was ready to bring the technology to the medical market as “weight-loss pasta”. With the advent of Zone Pasta, it was now possible to have physicians more easily change the diet of their patients because there is virtually no one who doesn’t like pasta. This why our new medical exhibits feature our new Zone Pasta as a cornerstone of anti-inflammatory nutrition.


Yet the proof only comes from letting the physicians not only sample the Zone Pasta but also experience its remarkable appetite-suppression for the next five hours. This is why we introduced our Zone-Pasta tasting sessions. The response was remarkable at both the American Society for Bariatric Physicians and the American Age Management Group conventions. Everyone concurred it was the best pasta they had ever consumed, but more importantly they reported that for the next five hours they had absolutely no hunger and no mental fatigue (a very common complaint at any medical conference).

Now they had some to take back to their patients that could start them on the path of anti-inflammatory nutrition for a lifetime. Just to make it easier, the same technology that makes “weight-loss” pasta feasible is also going to be used to make weigh-loss pizza, bagels, corn tortillas, and doughnuts. Twenty-first-century medicine never tasted so good.


Check out Dave Schreck’s pasta recipes from the "Zone Cruise in Review, 2015" article.