We wanted to give you a sneak peek of what we've been working on here at Zone Labs. Here's a look at what you can expect from the newly formulated ZoneRx Shakes expected to hit shelves early in the New Year. So, sit tight! They'll be here before you know it.

Satiety starts in the gut with ZoneRx Shakes. Optimizing Gut Health is Complex– it requires supplying adequate levels of both prebiotics (i.e. fermentable fiber) and polyphenols as well maintaining hormonal balance in the blood. ZoneRx Shakes were designed to help accomplish these goals. The prebiotics and polyphenols allow the friendly bacteria in the gut to maintain their diversity and functionality and the Controlled Released Nutrition® helps with hormonal control in the blood to promote greater satiety.
3 Delicious Flavors & 2 Sizes to Choose From (10-Serving & 30-Serving)
What’s Inside…
Controlled Release Nutrition® ZoneRx Shakes use Controlled Release Nutrition, a specific ratio of protein and carbohydrate, to help control hunger and satiety. The balance of protein to low-glycemic carbohydrates helps control hormones in the gut, brain, and the blood. This is the foundation of the Zone Diet and is enhanced by the presence of prebiotics and polyphenols.
Polyphenols ZoneRx Shakes are rich in CacaoRx™ and MaquiRx®. These proprietary polyphenol extracts provide 250 milligrams of polyphenols to help promote gut health as well as help activate genes that may reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and the rate of aging. MaquiRx is responsible for the distinct purple color you see in the vanilla ZoneRx Shake once mixed.
Vitamins & Minerals ZoneRx Shakes provide 22 vitamins and minerals to offer you a complete meal replacement without the need to add anything additional.
Prebiotics This is the fermentable fiber required for gut nutrition. However, without adequate polyphenols in the diet, the nutritional benefits of prebiotics are greatly reduced.
Serving Suggestions
To promote an even better gut health response, we suggest mixing the ZoneRx Shake with 10 ounces of 2% lactose-free milk in place of water. This provides complex sugars not found in plant sources that promote an even greater gut health response by supporting the growth of friendly bacteria while maintaining the balance of protein and low-glycemic carbohydrates needed for maximum Controlled Release Nutrition. The absence of lactose in the product will eliminate any digestive problems for individuals with even the slightest amount of lactose intolerance.
We know many of you have been patiently waiting for our shakes to make a comeback. We appreciate your patience and will let you know as soon as the truck pulls into our warehouse! We promise they will definitely be worth the wait!
To hold you over until the new shakes are available, grab a bar!
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