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Dr. Sears' Blog

Breaking down the latest research on Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition
Written By: Dr. Barry Sears, Ph. D | Creator of the Zone Diet

Omega-3 Fish Oil | 3 min read

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Blood Pressure

The FDA recently announced limited health claims for the use of omega-...

Polyphenols Zone Diet | 5 min read

Dr. Sears' Polyphenol Q & A

Dr. Sears answers some of the top questions we receive about polypheno...

Beyond Cholesterol: The Real Link Between Diet and Heart Disease

One of the best ways to live longer is to reduce your likelihood of dy...

What Is An Effective Dose of Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

The November 10, 2018 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine con...

Elle Q&A with Dr. Barry  Sears

Here's a glimpse at the questions Dr. Barry Sears was recently asked f...

Fake Medical News - Dr. Sears Comments on The Cochrane Review

I have been flooded with emails from people asking me about the recent...

Vogue Italy Q&A with Dr. Barry  Sears

Here's a glimpse at the questions Dr. Sears was recently asked for an ...

Zone Pro-Resolution Nutrition

I am still constantly asked the question “What is the Zone?”. First, l...

Dr. Barry Sears Answers Your Questions on Omega-3 Fish Oil

Dr. Sears answers some of the top questions we receive about fish oil ...

Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are often villainized as the culprit for our weight gain...

Q&A with Dr. Barry Sears

You have questions, Dr. Sears has answers. We know it's hard to stay c...

The Importance of Polyphenols in Athletic Performance

Within every cell in our body are ancient bacterial fragments called m...

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