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Dr. Sears' Blog

Breaking down the latest research on Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition
Written By: Dr. Barry Sears, Ph. D | Creator of the Zone Diet

Omega-3 Fish Oil Fish Oil | 4 min read

The True Cost of Fish, Fish Oil, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Both the medical profession and the general public are becoming more a...

| 6 min read

Weight Loss: The Real Reason You Should Want to Lose Weight

We continually hear about the health reasons why you should lose weigh...

Pregnancy Q&A With Dr. Sears

This week Dr. Sears answers questions he gets pertaining to diet and p...

Zone food | 3 min read

Olive Oil Q&A with Dr. Sears

Today Dr. Sears is answering your questions about oils and which ones ...

Coronavirus and the Immune Nutrition Approach

Viruses were here long before we were and will certainly outlast us. S...

Polyphenols | 5 min read

Cocoa Benefits Q and A

Dr. Sears answers some of the top questions we receive about our new C...

Polyphenols | 4 min read

Polyphenols: Key Features to Look at When Supplementing

This week we are introducing the newest members of our polyphenol line...

Protein | 4 min read

Protein Q&A with Dr. Sears

Protein is an essential nutrient meaning we have to get it through our...

Overview of the Resolution Zone

Some 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates stated that the goal of the physicia...

Zone Diet Dr. Barry Sears | 5 min read

Keto Diet: Your Questions Answered

Chances are you or someone you know has tried the keto diet. This high...

Why Read The Resolution Zone?

It has been more than 35 years since I first had the idea that unresol...

Dr. Barry Sears | 4 min read

Calorie Restriction: Why There's More To It Than Simply Weight Loss

Regardless of what you are told, the only way to lose excess body fat ...

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