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Dr. Sears' Blog

Breaking down the latest research on Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition
Written By: Dr. Barry Sears, Ph. D | Creator of the Zone Diet

Healthy Aging with The Zone Diet

Within every cell lie the remnants of that ancient bacterial invasion ...

Maximize the Benefits From Your Fruits and Veggies

The research is very clear, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, th...

Childhood Nutrition Q&A | 7 min read

What You Were Never Told About Milk

It’s no wonder that milk is our sole source of nutrition during the fi...

Weight Loss Zone Diet Q&A | 7 min read

What Is the Ketogenic Diet and How Does It Compare to the Zone Diet?

Over the past few months we’ve received a number of inquiries regardin...

Understanding Zone Nutrition

The Zone is not some mystical place, but a real physiological state de...

A Clear Fear of Aging: Loss of Sight

Americans are aging. So what is their greatest concern? Surprisingly, ...

Autism Research Shows Benefit of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Autism can be one of the most challenging conditions that occurs in a ...

Live Your Life to Its Fullest in the Zone

Wellness is a lifelong commitment. It begins in the womb and goes thro...

Fish Oil is More Precious than Caviar

I was recently asked by a Russian colleague what I thought about red c...

Then & Now: Calorie Restriction and the Impact on Disease

Reduce your risk of chronic disease by making simple changes to your d...

Reduce Childhood Asthma with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, Dutch wome...

Anyone Can Have Insulin Resistance

We think of insulin resistance as only being associated with diabetes....

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