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Dr. Sears' Blog

Breaking down the latest research on Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition
Written By: Dr. Barry Sears, Ph. D | Creator of the Zone Diet

HbA1c | 3 min read

HbA1c Blood Test: What to Know

We’re excited to offer the Hemoglobin A1C Blood Test as another valuab...

Diabetes | 4 min read

The Zone Diet versus the Mediterranean Diet

For the past six years, the Mediterranean diet has been voted the Best...

Q&A with Dr. Sears: Anti-Inflammatory Diets

Learning more about anti-inflammatory diets and AMPK can be a bit conf...

Inflammation | 4 min read

Q/A with Dr. Barry Sears

This month Dr. Sears is answering your questions on how to fuel pre an...

Supplements Zone Diet | 8 min read

Dr. Sears Answers Your Questions On Protein and Protein Powder

The global market for protein supplements is anticipated to rise 8.5% ...

Dr. Sears Answers Your Weight Loss and Plant Based Questions

From Weight Loss to Plant Based, Dr. Sears is answering your questions...

How To Know You're In The Zone

The Zone can best be understood as the physiological state in your bod...

Anti-Inflammatory Diets: Past, Present, and Future

A recent article on Yahoo Life described the various celebrities, such...

Anti-Inflammatory Diets and COVID

What do Gwyneth Paltrow, Tom Brady, and Dr. Sears all have in common? ...

Polyphenols | 2 min read

Burn Fat Faster

Now that the Covid-19 epidemic seems to be slowing down, we must conte...

Omega-3 Fish Oil Fish Oil | 3 min read

Stress and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It’s common knowledge that stress can be a killer. But what is not cle...

Zone Foods | 3 min read

Olive Oil Benefits

Olive oil has been prized for thousands of years for its health benefi...

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